e3 TC96 F*ST07-16 39" Straight 2:2 BK/BK

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SKU: 764662 |
e3 TC96 F*ST07-16 39" Straight 2:2 BK/BK

• The world's only complete 4.5" Muffler Softail performance system
• Optimal horsepower & full range torque gains
• 2.5" O.D. full-length, 1-piece 220 degree heavy duty 16 gauge heat shields
• EC-Approved exhausts have non-removable THORCAT baffles and/or catalytic converters and are marked with the required EC/ABE-approval sign and number, making them fully street legal in the European Union for the listed models and model years
• O2 ports & plugs provided for early models
• Complete with mounting hardware and brackets